Core spatial data solutions for the Zero Dose Child Vaccination Project of the Equity Acceleration Fund (EAF)

Project lead: Attila Lazar

Team: Heather Chamberlain, Edson Utazi, Krishnaveni K.S, GIS Analyst

Funding: GRID3/ United Nations Office for Project Services

Start: Feb 2024
Completion: Jun 2025

We are working to assemble datasets from recent and upcoming vaccination coverage surveys in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with an initial focus on diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP1-3) and measles-containing (MCV1) vaccine coverage. These data will be integrated with high-quality geospatial covariate information and with a statistical model fitted to generate aggregated estimates of numbers of DTP and MCV zero-dose children and under-vaccinated (DTP3) children at high spatial resolution.

WorldPop will transform the collected zero-dose children identification data into a gridded GIS dataset, to facilitate its use in mapping and spatial analysis. We will compare this zero-dose children identification data with modelled estimates, identifying the overall level of alignment and areas of high divergence, and produce a list of areas with especially high numbers of zero-dose and under-vaccinated children to contribute to refinements in immunization interventions.

In addition, our team will undertake a deep-dive analysis using these results along with individual-level data to map relevant risk factors associated with zero-dose and under-vaccinated children, including travel time to the nearest health facility, neighbourhood type (urban/rural/informal settlement), and the degree of violent conflict in the area.

The team will also disseminate the results and strengthen in-country capacities on geospatial analysis and the use of subnational zero-dose estimates for planning and decision-making.

Outputs for this project include:

  • Zero dose and under-vaccination estimates for 4 priority provinces (Maniema, Kasai-Oriental, Mongala, Tshopo):
    • Estimates and maps of vaccination coverage at different levels.
    • Estimates of the number of children vaccinated against DPT and MCV.
    • A list of priority areas to guide routine immunization interventions.
  • Risk factors mapped for the 4 priority provinces:
    • Determine the most relevant risk factors associated with unvaccinated and under-vaccinated children.
    • Mapped zero-dose typologies (urban, rural, conflict zones).
Link image: Fighting the killer measles, Muganga, DRC, by Julien Harneis, 2007 CC BY-SA 2.0