Current projects
Generation of socio-demographic data for evidence-based programming in South-Central Somalia.
Core spatial data solutions for the Zero Dose Child Vaccination Project of the Equity Acceleration Fund (EAF)
Strengthening the Availability, Quality and Usability of Common Operational Datasets on Population Statistics
Human mobility models to forecast disease dynamics and the effectiveness of public health interventions (MIDAS)
Digital technologies to map zero-dose and unreached children in West and Central Africa (Reach the unreached)
Giving Rural Actors Novel data and re-Useable tools to Lead public Action in Rural area (GRANULAR)
Population Modelling to support Routine Health Planning and Monitoring in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mapping the risk of Guinea worm disease at a high resolution using geostatistical and machine learning approaches
The fear of “here”: Integrating place-based travel behaviour and detection into novel infectious disease models
About Us
The WorldPop research programme, based in the School of Geography and Environmental Sciences at the University of Southampton, is a multi-sectoral team of researchers, technicians and project specialists that produces data on population distributions and characteristics at high spatial resolution.
Initiated in October 2013 to combine The AfriPop Project, AsiaPop and AmeriPop projects, we have a diverse portfolio of projects, including large multi-million-pound collaborative projects with partner organisations, commercial data providers and international development organisations.