WorldPop Posters

WorldPop Global Demographic Data: New global age-sex structured population datasets for the 2015-2030 period, which incorporate the latest round of censuses.  Read more or Downlod PDF

Disagregating Census Data for Population Mapping Using a Bayesian Additive Regression Tree Model. Downlod PDF

Capacity Strengthening and Co-Development Activities. Downlod PDF

Mapping the characteristics of un- and under-vaccinated children. Read more or Download PDF

How comparable are existing data products for countries in Africa? Download PDF

Piloting the collection of geographic information from Longitudinal Population Studies (LPS) for future climate-health research. Read more or Download PDF

Internally Displaced People (IDPs) Modelling and Predicting Data sources: IDMC-GIDD and IOM-DTM. Download PDF.

Portfolio Management at WorldPop. Read more or Download PDF

VaxPop: Vaccination coverage estimation to support immunization programming in low- and middle-income countries. Download PDF

WorlPop’s Spatial Data Infrastructure. Read more or Download PDF

VaxPop2: Vaccination coverage estimation to support immunization programming in low- and middle-income countries. Download PDF

VaxPop3: Vaccination coverage estimation to support immunization programming in low- and middle-income countries. Download PDF

Communicating uncertainty in small-area spatial change estimates using a filter approach based on probabilities. Provision of small-area mapping of child and maternal health and development indicators. Download PDF

Efficient Bayesian Hierarchical Population Estimation Modelling using INLA-SPDE: Integrating Multiple Data Sources and Spatial Autocorrelation. Download PDF

Global Subnational Population Projection 2015-2030. Download PDF.

WorldPop data in action: the powr of co-development. Download PDF

Small area population estimation from health intervention campaign surveys and partially observed settlement data.  Download PDF

A novel geospatial data augmentation strategy for producing high-resolution population estimates using sparse health campaign data. Read more or Download PDF

Small area population estimation from health intervention campaign surveys and partially observed settlement data. Read more or Download PDF

Case studies on spatial demography using Facebook data. Read more or Download PDF

WorldPop COVID-19 research and data. Download PDF

Measuring population mobility using traditional and novel data sources. Download PDF

Exploring approaches to improve small area population projection in Namibia. Download PDF

Small area population estimates in high-rise buildings: A case study in Thailand. Read more or Download PDF

Reach the Unreached Initiative: Digital technologies to map zero-dose and unreached children in West and Central Africa. Read more or Download PDF